The Business Casual Yogi

business casual

busi·​ness ca·​su·​al |  ˈbiz-nəs ˈkazh-wəl

: a style of outer dress for the working professional


yo·​gi | ˈyō-gē

: a person who seeks their fullest inner potential


The Business Casual Yogi

Take Charge of Your Body, Mind, and Career


The Business Casual Yogi, a book by Vish Chatterji, MBA with Yogrishi Vishvketu (Vishva-ji), PhD, makes the practice and philosophy of yoga accessible to the modern professional. Yoga has long been embraced by the Western world for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, but this new book lays out a complete, integrated lifestyle philosophy along with rewarding physical exercise for internal and external strength, focus, and calm. As yoga pervades mainstream society, its philosophies, frameworks, and techniques are proving increasingly relevant to the modern business world’s obsession with personal leadership development and emotional intelligence. 

This practical guidebook provides accessible methods to leverage the yoga tradition as a tool to unlock one’s fullest creativity, leadership potential, and overall well-being. Filled with physical and mental exercises, personalized guides for diet and lifestyle, and tools such as meditation and breathing exercises, The Business Casual Yogi’s simple framework will help you attain greater happiness, balance, and success.

The authors—Vish Chatterji, a successful California technology entrepreneur turned executive coach, and Yogrishi Vishvketu, a world-renowned Himalayan yoga master with a doctorate—have created a practical approach to attaining a better lifestyle without needing prior yoga experience. They leverage their understanding of the needs and priorities of the busy modern professional to present a simple and relatable approach to changing your life through yoga. 



Vish, a successful California technology entrepreneur turned executive coach, and Vishva-ji, a world-renowned Himalayan yoga master with a PhD—have created a practical approach to attaining a better lifestyle without needing prior yoga experience.



The Business Casual Yogi is now available wherever books are sold.

Order your copy today!

Watch the trailer for the book.



“As a successful executive from the business world, having undergone extensive yogic training, Vish offers a very credible, articulate, and thoughtful approach to improving the quality of our professional lives by appropriately leveraging the principles of yoga in a business context.”

—Kash Rangan, Managing Director, Bank of America
